The association between gum diseases and heart disease is not a secret anymore. It has always raised a question in my mind if maintaining good oral health can help me achieve good overall health. Well, the answer is “yes.” Maintaining good oral health can save us from spending thousands of dollars on preventing heart diseases. We can say that proper brushing and flossing can help us maintain a healthy heart. According to the American Academy of Periodontolgy, people with gum diseases are twice as likely to develop coronary artery disease, one of the leading causes of heart attacks.
Atherosclerosis also known as “hardening of arterial wall” is one of the major etiological factors of heart disease. This occurs due to deposition of plaque (formed by accumulation of fat and other blood substances on the arterial wall). This can eventually clog the artery leading to complete blockage of coronary arteries precipitating into stroke.
To read the entire article written by Swati Yadav, please visit
Ivan K. Salmons, DDS
1855 Indian Hills Drive
Sioux City, IA 51104
(712) 239-5900
You want to keep your teeth for a lifetime, but circumstances can arise that prompt your dentist to recommend removing a tooth for the good of your dental health. And although many of your teeth are easily removable, it's occasionally more complicated, and requires a more involved procedure. Here's why the surgical extraction of teeth may become necessary, and how your dentist differentiates these procedures from others.
Why Can't a Tooth be Saved?
The American Dental Association (ADA) Mouth Healthy site suggests teeth are usually removed due to trauma, disease or crowding. When a tooth cannot be repaired with a filling or a crown because of an accident or extensive decay, an extraction may be your best recourse. Teeth that aren't supported by enough bone due to periodontal disease are also candidates for removal, according to Warren Dentistry, necessitating the use of a gum-protecting toothpaste like Colgate TotalÆ Clean Mint following extraction. Infected (abscessed) teeth that don't respond to root canal treatment may need to be taken out, as well.
Keep in mind it's not unusual for an orthodontist to recommend an extraction or two before orthodontic treatment begins because of crowed teeth. Similarly, wisdom teeth are frequently extracted because of the awkward position in which they grow behind your molars.
To read the entire article written by Donna Pleis, please visit
1855 Indian Hills Drive
Sioux City, IA 51104
(712) 239-5900
Below is an excerpt from an article found on
Sweet as the holidays may be, sugar-packed treats can wreak havoc on your pearly whites. This season, ring in the festivities with healthy and fun holiday snack options that fill your mouth with joy.
Egg Snowmen
These adorable snowmen - made with hard-boiled eggs, carrots and peppercorns - will melt your heart before melting in your mouth. Eggs are a source of Vitamin D, which is needed to help absorb, carry and deposit calcium in the bone that supports your teeth. Carrots - which are crunchy, firm and full of water - help to scrub your teeth clean like a natural toothbrush.
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Spinach Artichoke Frittata Trees
You won’t need to cut down on these trees! Dairy products like milk contain calcium, eggs are a source of Vitamin D and leafy greens like spinach are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. (Just be sure to floss before flashing a smile beneath the mistletoe!)
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To read the entire article with all healthy snacks please visit
Parents are a child's first teacher in life and play a significant role in maintaining his or her overall health. Providing oral health education to mothers and families is essential to teaching children healthy habits and preventing early childhood tooth decay, according to an article published in the May/June 2010 issue of General Dentistry, the peer-reviewed clinical journal of the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD).
With all of the challenges that new parents face, they may not think much about the link between their child's oral health and overall health. In fact, an understanding of oral hygiene can help parents to prevent tooth decayóthe single most common chronic childhood disease in Americaóand to create a lifetime of healthy habits for their child.
"Ideally, the oral health education for any family will begin with prenatal education and the establishment of a dental home by the time the child is 12 to 18 months of age," says Tegwyn Brickhouse, DDS, author of the study. "Many people don't realize that the oral health of the mother affects both the infant's future oral health and the child's overall health. In fact, some studies show that periodontal disease has been linked to preterm labor. That's why pregnant women should be evaluated for cavities, poor oral hygiene, gingivitis, loose teeth and diet."
After the child is born, families should become familiar with their child's dental and oral health milestones, which will be determined by discussion with the family dentist or a pediatric dentist. Children should have their first dental visit at age 1 or within six months of the eruption of their first tooth. A dentist will be able to discuss when parents can expect to see a child's first tooth and the best technique for brushing his or her new teeth.
Diet is another factor that affects a child's oral health. Frequent and long-term exposure to liquids that contain sugars commonly results in tooth decay. In addition to eliminating sugary drinks altogether from a child's diet, parents can adopt other habits to prevent tooth decay due to beverage consumption.
"Parents should avoid giving their children milk, formula, juice or soda at naptime or nighttime," says Bruce DeGinder, DDS, MAGD, spokesperson for the AGD. "The sugars will linger on their teeth and gums for a prolonged period of time, promoting decay."
Parents are responsible for their child's oral hygiene practices and are advised to meet with a general dentist to determine the best way to establish and maintain their child's oral health. A general dentist also can provide families with oral health literature that is designed to educate both the parent and child. This education has multiple benefits; as Dr. Brickhouse notes, "Healthy teeth in early childhood can provide a positive self-image and improve the child's quality of life."
To read the entire article please visit
1855 Indian Hills Drive
Sioux City, IA 51104
(712) 239-5900
Most of us know how important it is to look after our teeth, but do you know what the different types of teeth are and how we use them? Teeth don't just help you bite and chew; they play an important role in speaking and support many aspects of your facial structure. There are four kinds of teeth in your mouth, according to Everyday Health, and each performs a slightly different function. Then there are three rarer formations that can occur in a growing jaw.
At the front of the mouth are eight thin, straight teeth called incisors - four at the top and four at the bottom - which bite into the food you eat and help you pronounce words as you you speak. Incisors also support the lips.
To read the entire article by Jenny Green, please visit
Ivan K. Salmons, DDS
1855 Indian Hills Drive
Sioux City, IA 51104
(712) 239-5900
The mouth, or oral cavity, is made up of numerous components that work together so that you can breathe, speak, eat and digest food. When you understand these parts of the mouth and how they affect your general health, the significance of oral care takes on a whole new meaning. Here's what these things do for you.
Lips and Cheeks
Your lips and cheeks are made up of muscles that not only give you the ability to pucker up for a kiss, but also help shape your facial expressions - both happy and sad. Lips let air into your mouth for breathing and, together with cheeks, help you speak. They also keep food and saliva in your mouth while chewing. Ultimately, these strong muscles guide and keep your teeth in their proper positions.
To read the entire article by Donna Pleis, please visit
Ivan K. Salmons, DDS
1855 Indian Hills Drive
Sioux City, IA 51104
(712) 239-5900
Who isn't on the quest to acquire the perfect set of teeth?
It was Hippocrates and Aristotle who wrote about repairing decaying teeth and fractured jaws centuries ago, and today, cosmetic bonding and cosmetic dentistry are all the rage. Many of us looking for the perfect smile will waste no time in thronging their dentist's office with such requests.
Having a great set of pearly whites can boost your self-confidence like few other things can. However, keeping your teeth in great shape will require you to put in a little time and effort on an everyday basis.
The daily brushing-and-flossing routine is a must for maintaining dental hygiene. Additionally, making sure that you stick to the following oral-hygiene tips and tricks will help you protect and care for your teeth better.
1. Keep Stains Away
Can't keep away from your cup of black coffee, but want to avoid those ghastly stains on your teeth? The good news is that you can lighten and remove most teeth stains.
With technological advancements, several teeth-whitening procedures have been developed that can treat tooth discoloration effectively. While most are performed at the dentist's, taking a few precautionary measures yourself can help you avoid these stains all together.
Sip your dark-colored soda, red wine, and coffee with a straw in small quantities, instead of drinking them from a glass/mug as doing so can ensure that your teeth never stain.
2. Keep Your Teeth Naturally Clean and Strong
Woke up late and rushing to work? Seems like flossing isn't going to be possible today? No worries! Munch on fibrous fruits and veggies like apples and lettuce for breakfast. Fiber prevents the buildup of tartar and plaque on your teeth, thus making them appear cleaner.
Fibrous foods also serve as exfoliating agents and prevent stain molecules from attaching themselves to teeth. Also, because these crunchy foods require a lot of chewing, they keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy.
To read the entire article written by Lawrence Calagna, please visit
Ivan K. Salmons, DDS
1855 Indian Hills Drive
Sioux City, IA 51104
(712) 239-5900
November is Diabetes Awareness Month. This month we are featuring information found on that discuss how diabetes can affect your dental health. Below is one way that diabetes can affect your oral health.
Slow Healing

Have you ever noticed a cold sore or a cut in your mouth that doesn’t quite seem to go away? This can be another way that diabetes may affect your mouth. Poor control of blood sugar can keep injuries from healing quickly and properly. If you have something in your mouth that you feel isn’t healing as it should, see your dentist.
To read all '5 Ways Diabetes Can Affect Your Mouth' visit
Ivan K. Salmons, DDS
1855 Indian Hills Drive
Sioux City, IA 51104
(712) 239-5900
November is Diabetes Awareness Month. This month we are featuring information found on that discuss how diabetes can affect your dental health. Below are two ways that diabetes can affect your oral health.
Change in Taste
Your favorite flavors might not taste as rich as your remember if you have diabetes. It can be disappointing, but take the opportunity to experiment with different tastes, textures and spices to your favorite foods. Just take care not to add too much sugar to your food in an effort to add flavor. Not only can this affect the quality of your diet, it can also lead to more cavities. If you have a persistent bad taste in your mouth, see your dentist or doctor.
Diabetes affects your immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to infection. One common among people with diabetes is a yeast infection called oral thrush (candidiasis). The yeast thrive on the higher amount of sugar found in your saliva, and it looks like a white layer coating your tongue and the insides of your cheeks. Thrush is more common in people who wear dentures and can often leave a bad taste in your mouth. See your dentist if you think you have thrush or any other mouth infection.
To read all '5 Ways Diabetes Can Affect Your Mouth' visit
Ivan K. Salmons, DDS
1855 Indian Hills Drive
Sioux City, IA 51104
(712) 239-5900
Below is an excerpt from an article found on
You know that what you eat directly impacts your health, and that includes the health of your teeth and gums. But it can work the other way around too. If you have an orthodontic appliance, such as braces, or have had certain dental problems or procedures, the health and comfort of your teeth and gums can directly impact what you eat. Here are some tips for what to eat and how to avoid these common dental issues.
Braces are delicate, and any foods that are sticky, chewy or hard can easily cause them to break, including:
- ice
- nuts
- popcorn
- hard candy
- gum
Any food that you need to bite into to eat is prime for breaking braces. You can get around this by cutting the food, such as corn off the cob or rib meat off the bone, or slicing apples and chopping carrots into small, bite-size pieces. You may also experience problems eating after your braces are tightened-teeth may feel sore. The first few days are the worst, so try eating softer foods like those listed below until the soreness passes:
- scrambled eggs
- oatmeal
- soup with soft vegetables or pureed or cream soups
- soft cheeses, including cottage cheese
- smoothies and milkshakes
Canker Sores
There is no cure for canker sores but you may be able to reduce how often you get them by avoiding foods that irritate your mouth. Spicy foods, acidic foods like pickles and sauerkraut, and citrus fruits can cause irritation. If you have canker sores, help ease discomfort by eating bland foods until your sores heal, such as:
- low-fat milk and other dairy foods
- cooked, canned and frozen vegetables
- mashed potatoes (fortify by mixing in powdered milk to boost nutrition)
- cooked or canned fruit, including applesauce
- hot cereals like oatmeal and cream of wheat (make with milk instead of water to boost nutrition)
If you get mouth sores, try these tips to make eating easier and speed healing:
- Choose cool or room temperature foods.
- Blend and moisten dry or solid foods.
- Drink through a straw to bypass mouth sores.
- Eat high protein, high calorie foods to speed up healing time. For example, add protein powder to milk shakes or powdered dry milk to fortify mashed potatoes and soups.
The lists above are partial, please read the entire article at to view the full lists.
November is Diabetes Awareness Month. This month we are featuring information found on that discuss how diabetes can affect your dental health. Below are two ways that diabetes can affect your oral health.
Gum Disease
Notice some bleeding when you brush or floss? That may be an early sign of gum disease. If it becomes more severe, the bone that supports your teeth can break down, leading to tooth loss. Early gum disease can be reversed with proper brushing, flossing and diet. Research has shown gum disease can worsen if your blood sugar is not under control, so do your best to keep it in check.
Dry Mouth
Studies have found people with diabetes have less saliva, so you might find yourself feeling parched or extra thirsty. (Medications and higher blood sugar levels are also causes.) Fight dry mouth by drinking water. You can also chew sugarless gum and eat healthy, crunchy foods to get saliva flowing. This is especially important because extra sugar in your saliva, combined with less saliva to wash away leftover food, can lead to cavities.
To read all '5 Ways Diabetes Can Affect Your Mouth' visit
Ivan K. Salmons, DDS
1855 Indian Hills Drive
Sioux City, IA 51104
(712) 239-5900